
3 ways Monitizer | DISCOVER is great for sustainable melting.

Whether you’re a die caster or an aluminium green sand foundry, melting metal is going to be your most energy intensive process.

You already know that your StrikoMelter is designed to help by minimising energy consumption and optimising melt quality. But did you know that by combining your StrikoMelter furnace with our cloud-based Monitizer | DISCOVER platform, you could build on this performance to help make your melting process more sustainable.

Detect energy-draining issues early. 

With Monitizer | DISCOVER, you can see briefly in what production state your furnace is in.  Dashboards show you bath and waste gas temperatures, your shaft filling level and your gas consumption. All of which gives you a real time overview of your melting process and the ability to quickly spot any issues that might impact energy consumption.  

By creating alerts, you can ensure that your team members are notified when measured data fall short of optimum. This may indicate a maintenance problem that requires attention or even when a control adjustment or upgrade is needed. Doing this will help you achieve maximum energy savings and avoid unplanned downtime. 

You can also link notifications to equipment use, for instance ensuring your shaft cover and hot gas baffle is always closed during free melting to further lower energy consumption.  

Monitor your melting efficiency. 

Your StrikoMelter’ s shaft is built for efficiency, combining preheating, heating, and melting in one unit, with waste gas from the melting process used to gradually heat cold material being loaded. But sub-optimal filling processes - where not enough material is charged or where the charge mix is poorly distributed will result in wasted energy in the shaft. 

A dedicated dashboard in DISCOVER allows you to track the weight and ratio of charged material (ingots/returns) per shift, together with gas consumed. Doing so means you’ll quickly be able to assess furnace utilization and overall melting efficiency. 

Manage cleaning to maximize results. 

Failure to remove deposits in your StrikoMelter can reduce furnace capacity and impact melt quality, which in turn can increase scrap rates. Repeated corundum also damages the refractory lining, resulting in unwanted heat loss and the unwanted bills associated with this. What’s clear form this is that cleaning REALLY matters. 

With DISCOVER, you can monitor the time spent on free melting, bath cleaning and chamber cleaning per shift to ensure correct procedures are followed. Better still, you can set up automated alerts which notify managers and maintenance teams should any deviation from essential cleaning protocols be detected. 

These are just 3 ways Monitizer | DISCOVER can help you save energy and resources lowering operating costs, energy consumption and emissions. 

Whatever your enquiry, you can get in touch with us quickly and easily by filling the form below.