
StrikoMelter saving VOIT Automotive 5,5 million kWh of gas per year

StrikoMelter Shaft Melting Furnace: A furnace recognized for results.

Aluminium parts produced by VOIT Automotive are used by over 45 brands in over 250 different models. The company is serious about die casting high-quality components that make vehicles lighter on the road and greener to produce. Which is exactly why their newest melting furnace is from StrikoWestofen. Read on to learn more!

Team Klaus Deckarm and Petra Berwanger, responsible for the company's energy and sustainability management, explains: “We aim to reduce the waste we produce, and use whatever we do produce to lessen our reliance on precious resources. Choosing suppliers and technologies who share our sustainable vision is important – StrikoWestofen does, and we are thrilled with what they’ve already helped us achieve.”

To serve its global client list, the St. Ingbert based business in Germany casts over 100 million parts a year. That’s a lot of aluminium to melt. For cost and carbon efficiency, choosing a furnace which optimizes uptime and quality while also minimizing energy consumption and emissions, is essential. 

In VOIT’s case, selecting the right melting solution also has other benefits. In opting to replace two existing furnaces with one StrikoMelter PurEfficiency from StrikoWestofen, the energy savings and emissions levels predicted were so good, that the company received a 40% government subsidy towards the purchase. As the results show, it’s been money well spent!

Super savings and the secret of success.
Exceeding performance levels anticipated, the StrikoMelter PurEfficiency furnace is saving VOIT in the region of 5.5 million kWh of gas per year. “Not only that”, explains VOIT state-certified technician in mechanical engineering Andreas Schorr, “we’ve seen more than a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions thanks to the introduction of our StrikoMelter PurEfficiency furnace. That’s huge.”

The secret to the furnace’s success is its unique design. Every angle is engineered to optimize energy utilization, with waste gas generated from melting process harnessed to heat aluminium ingots entering the furnace shaft. “The insulating materials used are also extremely high-grade”, adds Andreas Schorr, “both in terms of thermal performance and durability – the latter meaning we can factor in a longer service life and fewer maintenance requirements as part of the operational benefits we receive”. 

A future focused on sustainable innovation
VOIT is a pioneer of technologies and approaches that support a more sustainable future – for industry and for the planet. Investments in solutions like StrikoMelter are part of a bigger picture for the company.